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Immortal Cascade 10 Immortal Phoenix Page 2

  "Just as long as he gets the message." Taking his hand, she led him into the bedroom. She let him have the bathroom first, and when she had finished her turn, she entered the other room to find him already under the covers, curled up in a ball. Crawling in behind him, she slid an arm around his waist, nestling up against his back, feeling him slowly relax under her touch. Half an hour later, Blair was softly snoring, and she was staring at the ceiling, trying to come up with a plan to fix things. She knew he probably wouldn't appreciate it, and she didn't hold out much hope of getting through to Jim when he was in this kind of mood. But still she had to try. Maybe if she went to talk to him tomorrow...

  Just then her hearing picked up the sound of her companion returning to the loft. Sliding out from under Blair's arm, she tucked the covers around him, and walked into the other room, closing the bedroom door behind her.

  Megan stood in front of the open refrigerator door, a puzzled expression on her face. Leaning over the door, Dee said, "If you're looking for the rest of the minestrone, Blair and I ate it. Sorry."

  The Aussie glanced up at her partner, then reached for the tupperware holding the last of the pasta from two nights ago. "It's okay. I saw his car downstairs, and figured he was here. How's Sandy holding up?"

  "Not good. He's scared, afraid he's ruined everything between himself and Jim." She shook her head. "I don't understand Ellison at all. How can he blame him? How can he hurt Blair this way?"

  Megan stuck the pasta in the microwave and punched in three minutes. "I don't know, Dee. I can't see where Jim's coming from either. One look at Sandy's face ought to tell him he isn't capable of this." She pulled a plate out of the cupboard.

  "Want some salad?" Dee asked. Seeing the other woman nod, she got out some lettuce and tomatoes and began to chop vegetables.

  The younger woman watched her slice tomatoes for a moment, then said, "Dee, promise me if I ever screw up, you won't do that to me." The Immortal was so startled she nicked her finger. "Oh, damn it, I'm sorry!" Megan reached for a dishtowel and moved to her partner's side.

  "It's okay, Pajara. See?" She held up the injured digit, wiping it on the cloth her companion held. "Already healed."

  Megan shook her head. "That still freaks me out. And the whole immortality thing... "

  "Hey, hey, it's okay." Dee pulled her soulmate into a hug. "Nothing's going to happen to us, I promise. I've already made Ellison's mistakes a couple lifetimes ago. Nothing's going to come between us. Got that?" The faint sound of a choked half sob from behind her made her let go.

  Nodding, Megan stepped back as the microwave dinged. "Thanks, Dee." Spying Blair over her friend's shoulder, she jerked her head in his direction.

  Dee turned to face the anthropologist, a tender smile on her lips. "Hey, sweetheart, you're supposed to be sleeping."

  Blair entered the kitchen slowly, rubbing a hand over his face, trying to hide his reaction to the intimate moment he'd interrupted. "I woke up. The bed was too empty."

  "I can fix that." She turned her attention back to Megan for a moment. "Anything else you need, Pajara?"

  She shook her head. "No, I'm fine. You two go to bed. See you in the morning."

  Laying a hand on her lover's shoulder, Dee steered him back to the bedroom, making sure the door was closed behind them. She turned around to find Blair's gaze running slowly down her body. She knew that look. Raising a finger to chastise him, to tell him sleep was what he needed, she was stopped by the light pressure of his fingertips against her lips. "I want you," he whispered hoarsely, his blue eyes dark with passion.

  His voice sent a tendril of desire spiraling through her, and she moaned against his hand. His fingers trailed across her cheek and behind her head, pulling her down for a kiss, his tongue tangling with hers as his left hand slid underneath her T-shirt, caressing her stomach. Her fingers went to the bottom of his shirt, tugging it up. Immediately Blair broke the kiss, stepping back, capturing her hands in his. She gave him a quizzical look, smelling, feeling, tasting his arousal, knowing he wanted her, but confused by his actions.

  "Dee, let me do this for you. Let me... " He hesitated, not sure how to phrase it.

  "Let you be in control," she finished for him, feeling a sliver of fear run down her spine. He knew giving up control was difficult for her; she was the Alpha in the relationship; he was the Beta. As such she normally initiated sex between them, or at least dictated the direction it went. To let him have the advantage... it went against everything she was, and yet, she knew how desperately he needed to be in control of something, anything, while his life raged untamed around him. Shivering, she swallowed her fear. "Okay," she finally whispered.

  He pulled her into a hug, nuzzling her neck. "It'll be okay, Dee. I'll make it so good for you, I promise."

  "I know you will," she replied softly, giving herself over to his capable hands. Blair undressed her slowly, pulling her T-shirt over her head, sliding her boxers down her legs. Pushing the covers down to the foot of the bed, he motioned for her to lie down on her stomach. Dee complied, pillowing her head on her folded hands. Closing her eyes, she tuned into Blair with her other senses, hearing his clothes drop to the floor, smelling the sharp tang of sulfur as he lit the candles on the bedside table, feeling the heat of his body as he leaned over her, kneeling on the mattress, straddling her thighs.

  "Just relax, angel, and let me pleasure you." His voice dropped into the Guide register. "Lower your sense of touch to normal." He gave her a few moments to comply, and to anticipate his first move. When it came, it was not what she expected. His fingers combed through her heavy chocolate hair, stroking her scalp, increasing the pressure until it was almost a massage. His hands moved down to her neck, stroking and circling, changing the intensity from feather soft to light kneading, and back again. Working his way down her back, he left no inch of skin untouched, feeling the small tremors rocking her as he came closer to one of her hot spots, the small of her back. He gave it the same treatment as the rest of her back, alternating the intensity of his touches, never staying too long in one place. His large hands stroked over her hips and buttocks, down her thighs, moving them gently apart, shifting his position from straddling her to kneeling in between her legs. On down her calves he went, stroking the soles of her feet with enough pressure not to tickle.

  His hands lifted from her body then, and for the longest of moments there was no contact between them. She could hear his heart pounding, along with his slightly elevated breathing, and smell the arousal that matched her own. His husky voice caressed her ears again. "Turn up the touch dial about three clicks."

  She struggled with her control for a moment, then said, "Okay." His body weight shifted on the bed, and Dee felt his breath on her cheek a split second before his lips captured her ear lobe. The intense sensation wrenched a loud moan from her, and a long ripple of pleasure rolled from her head to her toes. His tongue traced the outer edge of her ear, then trailed along the curve of her jaw, and she lifted her head slightly, feeling him outline her lips before his mouth met hers in a deep kiss.

  Once again, Blair didn't linger too long. His lips moved down her neck, kissing, licking, and nibbling. His loose, silky curls brushed across her shoulders and she cried out, digging her fingers into the mattress. "Hmm, you like that, huh?" He deliberately dragged his hair down her back, watching goose bumps appear in its wake.

  "Oh, goddess, Lobo... " A whimper escaped her lips. Blair grinned, then moved up to her shoulders, sinking his teeth lightly into the back of her neck, careful to keep the sensation pleasurable, rather than painful. His tongue left a wet track along the curve of her shoulder blade. A second later he blew across the damp area and was rewarded with a sharp cry. "Blair, please... don't tease... " she hissed, but he knew she didn't mean it. He proceeded down her back the same way he had before, using his mouth in place of his hands. By the time he finished at her feet, she was shaking uncontrollably and making a soft keening noise in her throat. But true to her promise, she le
t him remain in control, though every nerve ending in her body was screaming at her to throw him down on the bed and take him.

  His hands ran lightly back up her legs, stopping at her waist. Dee felt his hand slide underneath her, raising her hips slightly as he moved forward, leaning over her, entering her slowly, filling her, making them one. A loud sob sprang from somewhere deep inside of her. His other arm went around her torso, just under her breasts, lifting her up as he sat back on his calves, pulling her against his chest, driving himself deeper into her honeyed warmth.

  His nickname was a prayer falling from her lips as she leaned back against him, her heightened sense of touch feeling each hair on his chest as it brushed against her back, the hard ridges of his nipples burning against her shoulder blades.

  His lips pressed against her cheek, her neck, and the hollow of her shoulder as he whispered how much he loved her. Wrapping his arms tighter around her, he began to move, slow, shallow thrusts that stroked across her G-spot. He could feel her labored breathing, her heart pounding under his hand. Her head twisted against his shoulder, tremors shaking her. "I've got you, angel. You're safe... it's okay to let go, it's okay to scream... "

  His tender words cut through the red haze surrounding her, and she gave herself over to the passion, crying his name as fire raced outward from her center, down her thighs, into her belly. She felt him shudder behind her, his own cry of pleasure mingling with hers.

  When the world came back into focus, Blair still held her close, but now they were curled together on the mattress. She mumbled something unintelligible, and he brushed her hair out of her face, kissing her cheek, breathing a soft thank you in her ear before they both succumbed to sleep.


  A wide, feral smile spread across the face of the black-clad figure braving the cold and drizzle on the roof of the building across the alley from DeSalvo's Dojo. The sudden media spotlight on Ellison had been unexpected, but, the Phoenix was beginning to realize, it generated interesting side effects. When the going got tough, Ellison reacted true to form, turning once again on his hapless guide. Only this time, the guide didn't retreat to a dingy little office at the university. This time, he crawled in bed with one of the most powerful Immortals on the continent.

  Gloved fingers tapped against the brick ledge. So predictable. Diandra hadn't changed much in the sixty years since their last meeting. Still taking in lost, abused pups. Trash she would defend to the death. Honor was a bitch. It made you so vulnerable...

  The deadly grin played over the Phoenix's lips once again.


  Dee gradually turned up her senses as she awoke, registering her companion's heartbeat in the next room, and that of the guide next to her, quickly followed by the interesting scent combination of sandalwood candles and sex. Touch was the last sense brought on line, and she groaned at the feel of Blair's warm lips against her skin. She opened her eyes to find him smiling down at her.

  "Took you long enough. I've been working on you for about ten minutes." Dipping his head down, he nibbled on her collarbone.

  She wrapped her arms around him, one hand burying itself in his hair. Goddess, what she wouldn't give to wake up to this every morning. Lifting his head, she pulled him up for a soul-searing kiss, and today, he let her lead.


  The idea struck her as she stood in front of the bathroom mirror, running a brush through her wet hair. It was so good she had to share it right away. Grabbing the handle of the shower door, Dee yanked it open.

  "Yeow! Jesus, Dee! Freeze me to death!" Blair yelped.

  Realizing she could always dry off a second time, she dropped her towel and joined him, making sure to pull the glass door completely closed. "I have the solution to your problem, Lobo!"

  He stepped back to give her a little room in the cramped quarters. "Uh, which problem?"

  "The Sentinel one. Chancellor Edwards wants you to cough one up. You give her me. I can jump through hoops with the best of them." She gave her lover a satisfied smile, which quickly faded at the stricken look on his face. "What did I say? What's wrong with that idea?"

  Blair shook his head. "I can't do that to you, Dee. All that attention focused on you could uncover your immortality. I won't allow that, I can't allow that. I took an oath to protect you, and the rest of the Immortals." He turned his hand over so his Watcher's tattoo was visible.

  "No, no, this could work," she protested. "I put on a dog and pony show, prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Sentinels are real, and then I have a 'fatal accident' in front of plenty of witnesses. The press goes away, and you and Jim have your lives back." The agony in his eyes cut deep into her heart. "What? Tell me, what's wrong with that idea?"

  "What's wrong with it? You'll be dead, Dee. Famous dead. You'll have to spend the next twenty years hiding out."

  She shrugged. "So?" She watched him swallow spasmodically, tears filling his eyes.

  His answer was an agonized whisper she had to strain to hear over the running water. "I can't. I can't go through that again, Dee. I can't lose you again. I know that sounds selfish, and I know you're only trying to help me, to help Jim, but you sacrificing yourself won't fix the underlying problems, and will only make them worse, because I'll blame Jim for losing you."

  Oh, damn, that put things in a different light. Dee wrapped her arms around him, holding him close. "I'm sorry, Lobo. I guess I just didn't think this through all the way." Kissing his temple, she released him. "I promise I won't leave you."

  Blair gave her a shaky smile. "And I won't leave you, not until--"

  "Don't say it, don't even think it. Just feel." She silenced him with a long, tender kiss, her hands roaming across his chest. They had just come up for air when there was a knock on the bathroom door.

  "Dee!" Megan called out. "You have a phone call. It's Dana."

  Reluctantly, Dee got out of the shower and slipped into her robe. Exiting the bathroom, she took the cordless phone from her companion.

  When Blair entered the bedroom a few minutes later, he found her throwing clothes into a small suitcase. "What's going on?" he asked, irrational fear knotting his stomach.

  Looking up from her task, she saw the panic on his face. "Oh, no, no, Lobo. I'm not leaving you, not the way you're thinking. I just have to go to DC for a couple of days. Dana and Mulder need my help on a case. I'll be back before you know it. Unless... " She took another look at his pale features. "Unless you need me to stay here, to help you straighten things out with Jim."

  Shaking his head, Blair resumed toweling his hair. "No, no, I'll be fine. Last night, and this morning, they, well, you, helped a lot. I think I have a handle on this. Go."

  "Okay, but you call me if you need me for anything. You come first, always."

  Her words surprised him so much that for a moment he couldn't breath. He finally managed to say, "God, Dee every time I think I get it, every time I'm sure I know how much you love me, you do or say something like that, and I'm lost, I'm just lost."

  She slid her arms around him in a quick hug. "And that's good thing, right?"

  He squeezed her back. "Oh, yeah, that's a very good thing."

  "Good, because I need a ride to the airport. Think you can get dressed in the next five minutes?" Giving her a grin, he reached for his clothes.


  Making her way through O'Hare airport at a jog, dodging fellow travelers and electric carts, Dee heard the faint trilling of her cell phone from somewhere at the bottom of her carryon. Moving out of the heavy traffic flow, she dug through the small bag until her fingers closed around the smooth plastic. Pulling it out, she hit the answer button. "Hello."

  "Oh, thank god, Dee, you're there." Blair's voice was husk
y and strained, and she could hear talking in the background, people crying out in pain. Immediately a knot formed in the pit of her stomach.

  "Lobo, what's happened? What's wrong?"

  "There's been a shooting here at the station... Megan. . .Megan and Simon were shot."

  Dee's world turned upside down. "No... No... "

  "Dee, you have to come back. They're taking them to the hospital now. I don't know how bad they're hurt. I have to go. I'll stay with Megan, keep you updated."

  Taking a deep breath, she pulled herself back together. "Go with her. I'll be on the next flight back, even if I have to charter one." Punching her cell phone off, she hit the speed dial for Dana's phone, and quickly relayed the trouble to her. She was reassured that the two FBI agents would be fine if she couldn't make it; her Companion came first. Disconnecting the call, she went in search of the charter airlines, trying to keep her panic under control.