Immortal Cascade 05 Immortal Endgame Read online

Page 18

  "Look, Milton, I don't mean to play hardball with you or your wife, but there is a chance someone at QuestScape is trying to set things up in such a manner that your boss, Lee, takes a fall for theft. Do you want to see that happen?"

  The husband and wife looked at each other, some kind of silent communication taking place, then Sharee shook her head. "No, you're right, Ellison. C and I were thinking the very same thing while taking care of arrangements for John David." Folding her hands into her lap, Sharee sighed, then continued her thoughts. "The lab was working on a project for the Department of Defense. I had to go down there last week, Tuesday I think, and replace several motherboards. I overheard one of the researchers talking about how the last patch didn't solve anything and they really should scrap the whole project and start anew."

  "Could that program have been stored on a disc? Something easily transported off site?" Megan asked, as Jim was trying to catch up on his notes.

  "Maybe. But it would have to be a large disc, a DVD-RAM perhaps. But that isn't the only project that lab was working on, I'm sure."

  "Mrs. Milton, were either of you aware of who had contracted with your company for the security check?"

  Clarence smiled, "Of course. The whole team knew. Norman Ventriss."


  Forty minutes later, Jim was pulling his truck into the parking lot in front of QuestScape, still not sure what in the heck he was hoping to find. Shutting off the engine, he looked over to Connor in the passenger seat. She had a pensive look on her face. "Megan? You getting as confused as I am?"

  "Yes, I am. Did the security chief agree to meet with us?" she asked as she climbed out of the older model pickup.

  "Sure did, even if he did grumble a bit about missing his football game." Jim slammed the driver's side door closed and joined his temporary partner on the sidewalk in front of the massive steel and glass building. Once inside, the Chief of QuestScape's internal security led them to his office where he had set up a TV/VCR and had several tapes waiting.

  "I looked over the tapes after Friday's incident, Detectives, and I hate to admit this... But the quality is terrible. Mostly snow with only a few vague images."

  "We'd like to look them over anyway, Mr. Bloch. And could we go over the lab again once we're through?" Megan asked of the man as Jim and he set up the first tape for viewing.

  "No skin off my nose." Glancing at his watch, he made his excuses. "You know where the lab is, right? Well then, I'm just going to slip down to the break room and see if I can catch the last half of the game. You two need anything, anything at all, use the phone over there and call me at extension 2605." With that, the man left the two officers alone.

  "Well, that was easier than I thought it would be." Megan slipped out of her coat, draping it over a chair, and walked over to Jim's side where he was already looking at the tape on the monitor. "Anything yet?"

  "No. He was right; the quality sucks. I can barely make out any images on the tape."

  "Step back a bit. Let's try using our heads and your eyes." Megan waited until Ellison had stepped back from the monitor and then closed in on his side, her hand resting on his back. "Forgive me if I get this wrong... Take a couple of deep breaths, concentrate on what you can almost see on the video, let my touch anchor you..."

  The voice was wrong, but the technique sound, and soon Jim was sorting through the images on the screen. "Where did she come from?"

  "Who, Jim?"

  Stopping the tape, hitting rewind then play, he studied the tape one more time. "There's a woman, about Lee's height. She came into the lobby from the left, but I don't see where she came from..."

  "A stairwell? The guard on duty had locked off the elevators."

  "If so, then there are two stairwells and he only covered one. Damn, she disappeared off the screen, out of camera range. So she didn't leave by the front doors; I can see those." Jim stopped the tape and reached for the phone, dialing the extension the security man had given them. "Chief Bloch? Can you tell me where the entrances to the stairwells are in the lobby? Uh, huh. Okay, thanks. No, I think we're done here. We're just now going to head up to the lab." Turning back to Connor, he said, "There's a second stairwell, north side of the lobby. The doors are hidden by a group of ficus trees."

  Megan grabbed her coat and followed him back out to the main lobby. Finding the potted trees was easy enough, as was the side entrance to the building, on the east side. "Looks like this may have been the way Ms. Eolia got out after all. She managed to avoid the security man by taking the stairs over there, crossed the lobby and went out this door."

  "Maybe. Let's take a good look at the floor's layout when we get up to the lab."


  Jim led the way up the stairwell the security guard had come up, asking Megan to stay behind, then try to come up as stealthily as she could. Even with his hearing dialed back to 'normal,' Jim told her he could barely make out the sound of her progress up the steps. That little test done, they walked over to the lab, finding the door open, with only the yellow 'crime scene' tape blocking entrance.

  Slipping past the tape and into the room, Megan walked over to where the window that had been shattered was now covered with several pieces of plywood and particle board. Stepping to the side of the covered window, she looked out and saw a large pine tree situated fairly close to the windows. "Bugger, if Eolia jumped from the window to that tree, she's part monkey." Getting no response from her coworker, she turned to find him on his knees, reaching under a deep lab table for something. "Jim?"

  "Just a second, almost got it." The strain in his voice as he reached his long arm under the table towards the baseboard was quite evident. "Got it! Damn, look at this, Connor." He held out a business card towards her.

  Taking the card, she found it emblazoned with a four color picture of a hawk in flight and the logo of WindHawk Securities, International on the front. The name of Lee Eolia was featured prominently in the middle. Idly turning the card over, she chuckled at the note written there. " 'To Whom It May Concern, your security sucks. Lee Eolia, President, WindHawk'. Looks like she was telling the truth."

  "Looks that way to me, too. I wonder who tried to kill her while she was in here." Jim looked around the room again. "I don't think forensics missed anything else. What was that comment you made about a monkey, Megan?"

  "I'll show you. Come over here." She pointed out the distance Eolia would've had to clear to make her escape through the broken window. "See? I just don't see how she could have done such a thing without getting seriously hurt."

  Looking over the tree, Jim said, "Damn, what could have caused that?"

  "What is it you see, Jim?"

  "About fifteen, sixteen feet up from the ground, there's a gash in one of the branches. More like a slit in the bark." He pointed to where he saw the damage then shook his head. "Sorry about that, I forget sometimes I'm the only one who can see stuff like that."

  "That's okay, I'll take your word on it, mate." She slipped back into her coat. "Just don't ask me to climb that monster. Now, if you don't mind? I hear a plate of ribs calling to me from Seacouver."

  Jim smiled, then chuckled as the sound of her belly grumbling at her came through loud and clear to both their ears. "Yeah, I think we're done here. Hungry?"

  "Starved, like you didn't hear my tummy. If the weather holds, we should be able to make it to Joe's Place in about an hour. If you want, I'll drive so you can put your notes together." She walked out of the lab just as Jim's growling answer came forth.

  "Not on your life, Connor. I've seen the way you drive."


  Megan shrugged deeper into her coat as she paced around the large pine tree Jim had spotted the damage in. So much for getting to Joe's at a reasonable hour. If he's all out of ribs by the
time I get there.. A sudden movement on her partner's part interrupted her thoughts. "Jim?" The man was actually climbing the tree like a young child.

  "Just a sec, Connor. I spotted something up here..."

  Feeling a little useless to the sentinel, Megan started to pace an ever-widening circle around the base of the tree, kicking at the pine needles and cones. She'd just booted aside a fairly large cone when something caught her eye. Pulling on a latex glove, she stooped down to pick up the small, saucer shaped, black object. It was made of plastic, that much she was sure of, but as to what it was? The sound of Jim dropping to the ground behind her made her look over at him. "Jimbo? Any idea on what this is?" She held up the object between two encased fingers.


  Jim had reached a branch, one of the ones not damaged, and stretched out to snag the object which had caught his attention from the ground. It was a hair, dark brownish red, with a slight wave to it, and about 12 inches long. Holding it to his nose, he sniffed. No scent to it at all. Bracing himself against the massive trunk of the ancient evergreen, he placed the hair strand in a small, zip lock evidence bag, tucking it in his coat pocket, then casting his eyes back up to where he had seen the other damage to the tree. From this distance, he could see the gash he'd spotted earlier was deeper than it had looked. Shaking his head in frustration, he started to climb back down, stopping every now and then to look at the number of broken or bent branches as he did.

  Megan called out to him as he reached the ground. "Jimbo? Any idea on what this is?"

  Brow creasing, he walked over to her and looked at the item she held. Not wanting to touch it with bare hands, he held out another evidence bag for her. Megan nodded and dropped the piece of plastic into the pouch, which Jim then held up cautiously to his nose. "Whew!" He sealed the bag and took a closer look at the object. "Just what I thought..."

  Rising to her feet, Megan rolled her eyes. "Okay, so what in the bloody hell is that thing?"

  "If I'm not mistaken, it's a sabot slug. A specialized round used by some riot police to quell protesters. More reach and accuracy than a bean bag shot and packs one hell of a wallop - should you get hit by one."

  "Jim, according to the witnesses, and Eolia herself, there were two shots fired at her. Where's the other round?"

  "Good question." Digging up his cell phone, he placed a call to the Forensics lab, asked a few pointed questions, then requested a team be sent back out to sweep the area around the east side of QuestScape again. He even went so far as to tell them what he was hoping they'd find.

  Megan chuckled as he disconnected the call. "You are not going to be on their list of most favorite people, you know that?"

  "I know." Jim smiled as he gestured for her to lead the way back to his truck. "But I'll be damned if I don't get you over to Joe's in Seacouver, so I'm not going to stick around to hear the tech team complain. And don't try to lie to me, Connor. I can hear your stomach, quite clearly."

  She reached out and lightly punched him on the upper arm, "Tune your damn ears off my bodily functions!" She stomped around to the passenger side of his truck as she muttered, knowing full well he'd hear her, "Bloody Sentinels and Champions. Between them, how's a Guide or a Companion supposed to have any privacy?"

  Part 15

  LaFollet insisted - no, make that demanded -the four of us heading to Seacouver take two cars. I like the man, I really do, but he's taking this 'protection' thing a little too seriously for my tastes. I guess making a comment about just how many Immortals lived or congregated in Seacouver made him nervous. He's going to have to start thinking of himself as one of us. So for the past hour, we've been following Diandra and Blair - scratch that. LaFollet's been following. I'm just along for the ride. I hate that. I'd rather be behind the wheel of the Lexus, be in control, but the man practically shoved me into the passenger's seat. This is the second time in seven days I've traveled to this city. The first time, I met with my old Teacher. I had a request of him, which he turned down, leaving me dumbfounded in the churchyard of St. Mark's Catholic Church.

  I mentally shake myself, an attempt to get rid of the depressing thoughts closing in on me. No matter how much I long to join Azir, no matter the pain in my heart, I cannot. Not now. Not with a new student to train in the Game and with my heart turning traitor on me.

  Oh, great Venus. Just thinking about Ellison, even in passing, is not doing the battle between my head and my heart any good. I want him, I really do, but I'm not sure I'm up to a long-term relationship with a mortal again.

  Turning my attention back to the passing scenery, I realize we've entered Seacouver and Dee's leading us towards the waterfront districts. I try to smile as I break the silence that has fallen in the car. "Jan-Michel, you did remember to bring your sword, right?"

  I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing. The man is actually grumbling his answer. "Damn it, it's not mine, it's Azir's. Was Azir's. And it's a pain in the ass to conceal..."

  "You'll get used to it."

  "Right. Like I have a choice."

  "Well, you do, actually. If you don't want to use Azir's sword, I could give you one of my shorter ones. But," I stress the word, "if you opt for a shorter sword and end up in a challenge with someone wielding a claymore..."

  "I get the point."

  "No, but you might." He glares at me. Okay, I get the message. End of that discussion. I look ahead to see Diandra's Jeep Wagoneer pulling into a good-sized lot and notice the building nestled at the back of the asphalt. It looks like a converted warehouse. The only sign it's not is the round, neon red and blue sign on the front that reads 'Joe's'. "Looks like we're here."

  LaFollet pulls into the space next to the one Diandra pulled into, grousing, "Too many cars, too many people." Shutting down the Lexus, he steps out only to reach behind the seat and pull out his sword and tuck it away before anyone, other than I, can see. "I'm not sure coming here was such a good idea, Lee."

  I chuckle a little as I reach out to take the offered arm and we join Dee and Blair near the entrance of the restaurant/bar. "Jan, looks can be deceiving. I'm sure the food is good. After all, I remember how persnickety Dee can be when it comes to food."

  "I am not 'persnickety' - I just refuse to eat food that is swimming in grease." She nods towards the entrance. "Let's go in. I can already smell the ribs and I'm starving."

  Blair holds the door open and, with Dee leading the way, LaFollet and I step into the place. The smells are enticing, the noise level is friendly from patrons all having polite conversations--

  "Dee Pallas! What brings you back to this fair city?"

  I look towards the owner of the voice that has called out to my old friend and see a kindly faced, older mortal limping towards us. He's using a cane. I try not to stare, but it's rather obvious to someone who's seen what wars can do to a man--prosthetic leg, maybe both, from the knee down.

  Diandra hugs the man. "I wanted, no - I needed, to taste some of your famous ribs, Joe."

  "Uh, huh. Sure. And Blair, how's things with you? Keeping up with Dee here okay?" Joe broke out of the hug Dee had him in, to hold out his hand towards the young Watcher.

  "Just fine, Joe. Thanks."

  "Great. Okay, now introduce me to your friends?" His light colored eyes are vaguely amused as he clasps Blair on the shoulders and reminds him of his manners.

  "Sure, Joe. This is Lee Eolia," he gestures towards me, "from New York state and her friend, Jan-Michel LaFollet." I shake Joe's hand and don't miss the slight widening of his eyes as my name and Jan's register. "Lee? J-M? This is Joe Dawson, owner-operator of this dive and one of the best blues guitarists this side of the Rockies."

  "Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Dawson." I let go of his hand and watch as Jan-Michel greets the man. No words are exchanged, but the handshake is clearly designed to let the two men ID each other as Watchers. Sort of a 'secret signal' I guess.

  Introductions made,
Joe leads the way deeper into his place. "I've got a few tables in the back hardly anyone uses, too close to the sound system. Or I could set you all up in one of the back rooms."

  "The tables will do just fine, Joe. Thanks," Diandra answers.

  As soon as we're seated, at a booth more than large enough to sit more than the six of us - after Inspector Connor and Ji... Ellison show up, a young waiter shows up to take our drink order. Looks like I'm the only one in the mood to really drink. Dee and Blair order sparkling waters, with a twist of lemon, while Jan-Michel orders a large ice tea and I order a Woodchuck's Hard Cider.

  "Sure you don't want anything stronger than water, Dee?" I ask, teasing my old friend.

  "No, the water's fine with me. I don't like to pollute my body with alcohol anymore." She grins at me. "What about you? I don't recall you ever drinking Cider before."