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Immortal Cascade 05 Immortal Endgame Page 12


  "Yeah. Have you ever heard the name Azir el Sadih?" Was it just her imagination, or did Dee's fingers tighten just a fraction on her shoulders? "He was our suspect's husband. He was killed a couple months ago in Seattle. Beheaded."

  Dee gave a little laugh. "And you think he was immortal? I don't know every one of us, you know, but…Sadih, Sadih. It sounds kind of familiar. I met a Sadih once, quite a number of years ago. And yes, he was immortal."

  "Do you know a Lee Eolia? She's our suspect, Sadih's widow."

  The Amazon shook her head. "No, I don't think so. Of course we do change our identities quite often. But the Sadih I met wasn't married." At Megan's sigh, she said, "Sorry, I know that's not much help."

  Megan sighed again then got to her feet. "No, it's not. But I guess it doesn't make much difference one way or another. I was just curious." She stretched her arms over her head. "I think I need a another shower if we're still going shopping."

  Dee sniffed. "Yeah, shower would be good for both of us. Meet you in the hallway in thirty minutes?"

  "Okay, I'll let the guys know we'll be ready to go shortly." Megan headed back across the corridor to Jim's loft, belatedly realizing Dee had deftly avoided answering the implied question of whether Eolia was immortal or not.

  "Easy, easy. You're okay, I'm a cop."

  Oh, gods! I look up to see the face of the man who's holding me. "Ellison!"

  "Lee?" He stares at me, then his focus changes back to the alley. "What the hell is going on? I heard a gunshot."

  I begin to tremble, my answer coming out in small, shaky, gasps. "Someone tried to kill me. Shot at me from above. Oh, gods, I think David is dead."

  "David?" He pushes me against the wall, under a storefront overhang. "Stay here. Help's on the way." And he disappears down the alley.

  I stand there for a few seconds, no more than a minute, before I'm following Ellison-Jim--not because I want to confront the other Immortal, but because I left a man down. Stepping back into the alley, I start to shiver; the rain is back, and starting to mix with sleet. I find the detective, kneeling next to young David, holding the soaked and bloody tee shirt against the wound. The bags which had been dropped are scattered all over the street.

  "PALLAS!!" The yell ripped from the man's throat startles me. Why is he calling for Diandra? The sound of running feet from behind me draws my attention away from the detective. Turning, I see Diandra, the young Watcher, and the Australian Inspector entering the alley at a dead run.

  Sandburg and Connor come to a halt beside me, while Diandra rushes past me to drop next to David and Ellison. "Goddess! I'm not sure I can help, Ellison..."

  "You've got to try!" He stands up and looks back towards me. "Chief, call this in. I'm going to try to track the attacker. Looks like our victim may have winged him." Okay, it wasn't me he was looking at.

  "On it! Yeah, this is Blair Sandburg; I'm with Detective Ellison and Inspector Connor in the alley off of Government between Hickson and Balder. We need an ambulance and backup..." I tune out the rest of his conversation as the tingling in my spine increases.

  I look towards Diandra, the Dorian, and the feeling grows stronger. It feels like the times I've been close to where a Quickening was taking place, but she's very much alive. Gods ... Goddesses! What is she doing?

  She's kneeling beside John, her hands placed directly over the hole in his chest. I can see the glow building around her hands and the crackle of Quickening teases my senses. Connor steps over to her side and places her hands on Diandra's shoulders, as if to provide an anchor or to hold my one time Savior steady. Sandburg has completed his call and touches me on the elbow.

  "Help is on the way." His denim blue eyes are locked on the two women, his voice low as he calls out to them.

  Time seems suspended. I have no idea what Diandra is doing, or how she's doing it, but I get the impression she is all that stands between John and Hades.

  Pallas sinks back on her heels, her hands dropping to her lap, her voice weak as she shakes her head. "Pajara?"

  "Right here, Dee." Connor squats down beside the other woman and reaches out to check for a pulse on David. She's stopped by Diandra.

  "I couldn't save him, the damage was too extensive."

  I'm left alone as Sandburg rushes over to his lover's side and helps her to her feet, pulling her into a hug. He is nearly dragged to the ground when the Oracle's legs give out from under her. "Whoa, Dee. I've got you." Connor actually helps lower both to the soaked pavement, Diandra ending up in Sandburg's lap. Then the inspector pulls her weapon free of a holster under her coat.

  "I'm going to see if I can catch up with Jim." She turns to face me. "Stay here, Ms. Eolia." And in a flash of russet colors I'm alone with the Watcher, his Immortal and my dead bodyguard.

  Stepping closer to the lovers, I hear them whispering to each other. "We have to tell her something, Lobo. And what about Jim? We're not supposed to know her, remember?"

  "I know, angel, I know. This is becoming one hell of a mess..."

  "Lia?" Her soft voice, full of concern, draws me to her side and I crouch beside her.

  "Lady D?"

  "I'm sorry, I tried, but I couldn't save your friend."

  I take the hand she stretches out towards me, clasping the warm flesh between my chilled hands. "What did you do? I saw the Quickening, felt it, but I don't understand." I look up at the Watcher and the next question falls from my lips before I can stop it, "And what are you doing hanging around with Sandburg, Ellison and Connor?"

  "We're all friends, Eolia." It's Sandburg who answers that last question, but the expression on his face makes me think the term friends doesn't cover the half of it.

  Diandra chuckles, almost too softly to hear, and she squeezes my hand to regain my attention. "I can tell you have a lot of questions running around in that head of yours, don't you?" I nod, once again not trusting my voice. "I'll answer them, later. As much as I like being in your lap, Lobo, company's coming and we need to move."

  I stand up and extend my arms for Diandra to grasp, then gently pull her to her feet, turning to help the Watcher only to find him already standing by her side. The sound of sirens shatters the silence of the soggy night, and soon the alleyway is overrun with medical and police personnel who have responded to the call.

  In short order I find myself giving my statement, while seated in the back of the ambulance, to a nice looking, well dressed, dark-haired detective with a slight Afrikaan accent. The paramedics were nice enough to let us use the treatment bay, explaining it was a slow night and they had to wait for the coroner's van anyway. I'm just grateful to be out of the cold rain.

  "That should just about cover it, Ms. Eolia. I'm sorry for your loss." He crouches over and jumps down out of the ambulance. I follow his example, only to hear him call out to someone as I make the small hop downward. "Jim! Megan! Any luck?"

  "No." Oh, my. Ellison sounds pissed. Was that actually a growl?

  "Never mind him, Rafe. We lost the trail about three blocks from here. Rain obliterated the tracks."

  "Damn." I step around the medic unit, hugging my rain soaked leather jacket closer to my body. The young detective, Rafe, hears the squishy squeak of my jacket and nods towards me while explaining to Connor and Ellison, "I took the witness's statement. She didn't get a good look at the assailant, other than to describe him as," he looks at his notes in the light cast off by the street lamps and the emergency vehicles, "Early to mid twenties, light brown or dark blond hair, about five foot eight to five foot ten inches tall. Slender. Last seen wearing sunglasses, black trenchcoat, dark pants and some kind of boots."

  "Not enough for a composite sketch then."

  "I doubt it, Megan."

  "Where are Sandburg and his lady friend?" Oh yeah, that qualifies as a growl.

  "Over there, by the DB. Odd for Sandburg, but his girlfriend seemed a little out of it and refused to leave the body unattended."

  "And the witness? Ms. Lee
Eolia, right?"

  Rafe looked surprised Ellison knew my name. Must not have paid attention in briefing, or he would've known I spent most of last night and early morning in their interview room.

  "I'm right here, Detective Ellison." His expression is sad as he walks over to me.

  "Sorry about your bodyguard, Lee." He wraps one arm over my shoulders and draws me away from the others, "This makes two of your people who have been attacked in the last two days. I'm starting to think there is more to you and your story than you've told me."

  "I... I don't know what you mean."

  "That's okay. You're still in shock." He's guided me towards where the Watcher and Diandra are waiting. The sheet covering John David is soaked with rain and blood and I flinch away from the sight.

  "Everything okay here, Chief?"

  "Yeah, Dee's just catching her breath. Kind of a shock to the system, losing someone whose life was entrusted to you."

  "I know, Chief. I know. Lee?" I look up at him, my eyes still avoiding the body lying on the ground. "This is Dr. Diandra Pallas."

  I nod to my old friend in greeting, never letting on I already know her.

  Ellison gestures to the young man by Diandra's side. "And this is my partner, Blair Sandburg. I think you've met already?" I bob my head, agreeing with him. "If you don't mind, we, along with Inspector Connor, will see you get back to your hotel."

  His partner? I thought that... Damn! More questions, just what I needed! My hands start to shake where they grip my jacket. "I appreciate your concern, Detective..."

  "Hey, I thought we had an agreement? Jim, remember?"

  "Jim. Look, I'm fine. Really. I can make my way back to the Excelsior on my own, if my car hasn't been towed off."

  "Ms. Eolia, Jim's right. You've had a nasty shock this evening. Let us take you home and make sure you're okay." I see the way things work between Sandburg and Ellison; one goes for the no-nonsense approach and the other comes in behind that and hits you with a bucket full of sincere concern. Nodding my acquiescence, I agree.

  "Good. Chief? You, Dee and Connor follow us. Lee? Let's get your car and get out of here."

  "What about my packages?" Okay, it's petty, but I don't want to lose that dagger. Damn, I can't get my hands to stop shaking.

  "The forensic techs will have to check them over for possible evidence. If there's nothing there, I should be able to get them back to you by Monday."


  I lead the way to where John had parked the car earlier, only to see that somehow -- a joke by the Fates I'm sure -- the Jeep Wagoneer I know belongs to Diandra is parked right behind my Lexus. I move to climb into the driver's side, but Ellison stops me, holds his hand out for the keys, which I give him, then escorts me around to the passenger side.

  The drive back to the Excelsior is quiet and the shakes that started in my hands back at the alleyway, increase tenfold as they spread through my body. Not even the heat, blowing out of the vents like the dry wind of the Sahara in summer, can warm me. I'm barely conscious of arriving at the hotel, getting out of the car, or of leaning on Jim as we walk towards the elevators.

  "Lee? What floor?"

  My teeth are chattering together, making it very difficult to speak. "Ff, ffif, ffifteenthtth."

  "Fifteenth, got it."

  By the time we arrive on the floor, I've managed to dig my room key out of my back pocket, only to drop it from nerveless fingers. He bends over and scoops up the key, somehow without letting me fall to the floor, as he's all that is holding me up at this point, and guides me to the room. The electronic code key opens the lock on the suite and he's leading me over towards the couch.

  "Nnno. Bbbath. Cccollldd."

  "Right." He's familiar with the layout of the suite, that's obvious as he helps me towards the bedroom and then the bath, where he helps me to sit on the edge of the tub. "Stay put. I'll be right back." He's gone. I reach over and start the hot water running, carefully slipping out of my soggy jacket. I feel the electric current that warns me of an approaching Immortal, but I'm too weary to care.

  But it's Diandra who appears in the doorway, Azir's white robe draped over her arm, and a worried expression on her face. "Oh, dear. Let's get you cleaned up, shall we?" She places the robe on a hook then pokes her head back out the door. "Lobo! Call down to Room service, have them send up hot tea and a bottle of their best brandy!"


  "Anything I can do to help, Dee?"

  "Yes, Pajara. We need to get her out of these wet clothes and warmed up, or she'll go hypothermic on us."

  Under the careful hands of Diandra and Inspector Connor, I allow myself to sink into a lassitude and lose my battle to stay awake. I'm rudely awakened by the sting of hot water enveloping my body.

  "Shush, Lee. It's okay. Trust me."

  "Dorian, I'm sorry, I couldn't let him get away with it. I know I desecrated the Temple..."

  "What is she saying? Dee? Did you understand any of that?"

  "It's Greek. Do me a favor, Pajara. Go see if the tea and brandy have arrived and bring me some, will you?"


  "Lia, Lia. Wake up! Damn, girl, don't you dare do this to me." She's talking to me, my Savior, whispering in the old tongue, begging me to hang on. But I can't. My heart is slowing, my breathing becoming labored, and I can feel this life slipping away from me. I take a few breaths, rapid, shallow ones then let the pain and darkness claim me.

  With a gasp of pain, I awaken to find myself out of the tub, on the floor in Diandra's arms and wrapped in Azir's cotton robe. "Gods, that hurts!"

  "Welcome back, Lia." She's pressing a warm mug into my hands. "Here, drink up. Feeling better now?" Helping me to hold the sturdy mug, she reaches past my shoulders to turn the faucet in the tub on again. "Forgot to rinse your hair." Strange, my hair doesn't feel the least bit soapy, and she's not making any move to get me back into the tub or to rinse my hair. What is she up to?

  I sip the hot amber liquid, and start to cough as the fumes of the heated brandy slam into my sinuses and down into my lungs. The fit over, I carefully sip again, grateful for the warmth spreading through me. "What happened, Dee?" Only then do I realize her Watcher is in the large bathroom with us. Damn, did he see me die, help Diandra get me out of the water? Before the Oracle can answer my question, he's gone, softly closing the door behind him.

  "Heart attack. The shock from being overly cold, then immersed into the hot water, killed you." She quirks a smile at me. "But at least you're back with us. Let's get up off the floor and get you dressed."

  Reviving from death, for us Immortals, is kind of like having the batteries recharged. After the initial shock of waking up, we can usually function much better and are right back at peak condition. Handy little trick. Just in case someone was listening to our conversation, I lean over the side of the tub and hold my head under the stream of water flowing from the tap, then shut it off. After drying my hair, I opt not to change out of Azir's robe and stop at the trunk to find the matching belt then I follow her out to the living area, where Connor and the men are waiting. Ellison sees me first and rises to his feet, Sandburg right behind him.

  "Lee, you look better."

  "Thanks, I think, Jim." I'm still holding the tea mug Dee had pressed on me earlier and, spying the tea service on the sideboard, wander over to refill it, with just tea. The robe trails on the carpet behind me, threatening to trip me if I step wrong and snag the hem with my toes.

  "I tried to contact LaFollet while Pallas was helping you, but I couldn't raise him at the number he gave me."

  I sigh and drop my chin to my chest. Ellison's question reminds me I haven't heard from my Watcher as well. "David told me he had seen Jan-Michel leave the hotel around one o'clock. He was supposed to have returned by five..."

  "Do you know where he might have gone?"

  I shake my head, watching out of the corner of my eye as Diandra takes a seat on the couch between Connor and Sandburg. What is her deal? She's his
lover, but she called the inspector by a pet name that, if I recall correctly, means 'beloved.' "No, I'm sorry, I don't. Let me call the front desk, see if he's left any messages."

  The phone call was quick. LaFollet had indeed called and left a message around five-thirty. He was checking with a few people he knew over at the Department of Defense, and he'd be late, very late getting back to the hotel. I relay the message to Ellison and the others.

  "Bloody bugger. He's investigating on his own, isn't he?"

  "Looks that way. Inspector, you have to understand LaFollet - he's loyal, very loyal to the company, and to me. I'm sure he doesn't mean to slight Cascade PD, but he's chasing down leads you might not have access to." I walk over to the love seat facing the couch and sink into the deep cushions, pulling my legs up under the long robe and tucking it under my knees. Jim, who had been pacing the floor like a pissed off cat, gingerly sits on the other end of the love seat.